
Conoce todos los proyectos de igualdad de género de la Fundación.

What is Generocional?

The Generocional project was created as an observatory to raise awareness of gender equality among young people and to prevent both implicit and explicit violence in relationships, especially in couples. The ultimate purpose of the project is to raise awareness and teach how to look at gender in order to subsequently transform society into a more equitable model based on equality.  

The project has been built around three axes:

  • Divulgation
  • Observatory
  • Training 


This axis focuses on the management of the project's social networks:

    • INSTAGRAM: the main social network of the project. Here, topics for debate are proposed on a fortnightly basis. These topics are presented through a reel, a publication and a series of stories. 
    • FACEBOOK: this social network is used to publish the same discussion topic as on Instagram so that people in the community can interact too. It is also used as a channel for sharing information and articles.
    • WEB: lthe project's website has additional information only about Generocional, publications for people who follow the project, and monthly newsletters where we collect everything that has been discussed during the month. 
    • YOUTUBE: this channel is an informative social network. A VideoPodcast project has been developed with interviews with experts on certain topics.
    • TWITTER: This social network is used to promote the other social networks. It publishes content that links directly to Instagram, Facebook, YouTube and the web.


This area focuses, in a more theoretical way, on exploring different topics of interest:

    • FOCUS GROUPS: in these groups, the aim is to analyse in greater depth the different topics that arouse debate. These topics can come from debates in social networks, as well as from other informative and/or informative channels such as the current press.
    • REPORTS: the aim is to produce different reports with data collected from the debates on social networks and from the different focus groups. These reports will be published both on the project's website and on the different social networks so that they are accessible to the public.
    • ARTICLES: this section refers to those topics that may offer the possibility of greater, shall we say, academic depth. This would be the case, for example, of current topics, but maintained over time, or topics that require a greater bibliographical and data review.


This axis is targetet at the entire educational environment (families, teachers, students and staff of the educational centres), as well as those interested in receiving training related to feminism, coeducation and gender:

    • COEDUCATIVE SEAL: this action aims to carry out an in-depth analysis of the centre and identifying its level of equality. By complying with a series of previously established indicators, they will be awarded a seal that certifies them as a coeducational centre. If they do not meet the indicators, they are offered alternatives in order to obtain the seal; these alternatives will be, above all, training.
    • TRAINING: this training is aimed, above all, at the centres, but also at external people interested in the subjects being dealt with. It has been agreed that this training will be linked to the framework agreement as one of the offers made by the 22nd Century Foundation to the educational centres.
    • WORKSHOPS: on special days related to women and gender equality, different workshops are proposed for students (and teachers) at the centres.
    • CONTESTS: creative competitions are also proposed for pupils from different schools, competing against each other. The idea, which is not new, is to organise competitions with concrete bases and specific objectives. 

The Generocional website 

Would you like to know how to participate in the project? Visit our website and you will be able to see everything related to the project: resources on equality, our social networks, all the trainings we offer, news about the project, etc. You can also find out how to participate in the project's activities and follow our networks to keep up to date with everything that takes place in this project.

How to collaborate

You can collaborate with Fundación Siglo22 and contribute to innovation in education, gender equality and research. How?

Become a volunteer


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